YMCA Moldova donates 20 computers to ITIL faculty for the creation of a Digital Educational Center

We are deeply grateful to YMCA Moldova for their support in establishing a Digital Educational Center within our faculty! This center will allow students to access educational resources and develop their digital skills in a modern and well-equipped environment.

YMCA Moldova, with the support of HP Inc, made this project possible through their generous donation of 20 state-of-the-art laptops. These devices will help students enhance their knowledge and prepare for future challenges in the digital age.

Through our collaboration with YMCA Moldova and HP Inc, we aim to increase digital equity and provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their financial resources or background. This partnership highlights the shared commitment of our organizations to contribute to the sustainable development of education and society as a whole.

We are delighted to work together in this direction and provide our students with the opportunities they need to reach their potential and excel in their careers.